Ong Sessions at MLA 2006 and CCCC 2007
With the CCCC acceptance letter earlier this week, I can now say that my plans for a series of confernece sessions celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word is really going to be a series. I'll get a web page up with abstracts at some point, but here's the info for both the MLA 2006 and CCCC 2007 sessions:
MLA 2006
108. Walter J. Ong’s Orality and Literacy at Twenty-Five
Thursday, 28 December
8:30–9:45 a.m., Congress C, Loews
Presiding: John P. Walter, Saint Louis Univ.
1. “Orality, Literacy, and Ong’s Asymmetrical Opposition,” Jerry S. Harp, Lewis and Clark Coll.
2. “Orality and Literacy as a Methodological Apparatus for Examining Women’s Rhetorics,” Melissa Jane Fiesta, California State Univ., Long Beach.
3. “Ong, Derrida, and the New Media Theory,” David Martyn, Macalester Coll.
CCCC 2007
Session D.07: 25 Years of Reading and Misreading Orality and Literacy
Thursday, 22 March
3:15-4:30 p.m.
Presiding: John Paul Walter, Saint Louis University.
1. "Apologia Pro Libro Suo," Betty R. Youngkin, University of Dayton.
2. "Walter Ong and Adult Literacy Programs: An Assessment and Modest Proposal," Catherine Quick, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
3. "The Vocality of Text: Orality and Literacy as Knowledge Making Tool," Gina M. Merys, Creighton University.