Wednesday, March 23, 2005

What do Mother Teresa, Marshall McLuhan, J.R.R. Tolkien, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, Jung, Steven Hawking, and Mr. Magoo all have in common? They may all be in the Walter J. Ong Archives exhibit. Earlier today I came across a short note from Tolkien to Ong (I've earlier mentioned letters between Ong and Francis P. Magoun in which Tolkien is discussed). It turns out Fr. Ong tried to set up a meeting with Tolkien while visiting Oxford, but Tolkien had to leave for a conference in Belgium right after Ong arrived and would be gone for 10 days. I checked Ong's travel book and this was right before Ong finished his research in England. In fact, Tolkien and Ong either crossed the Channel on the same day or Tolkien returned to England the day after Ong left for France.


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