Thursday, March 02, 2006

DeMille's Samson and Delilah 2

Just about six months ago, I came across a letter from Ong to his parents discussing DeMille's Samson and Delilah. Today I found another one, this time in the corresponsence files for the article "Kafka's Castle in the West." In this new letter, Ong writes:

Next month DeMille's Samson and Delilah is being released. I had the opportunity to see the scripts of this production all through the various stages of its writing, which was completed a year ago last summer. In one of the sequences, Delilah asks Sampson "Is this God of yours everywhere?" (A good question, for the fertility gods were local.) Sampson's answer (since altered): "He is everywhere there is someone to believe in Him." There it is for the man in the street, the cult of the "beyond' transvaluated into the cult of the nothing. Still, nothing is a theorem to be used: there is John of the Cross's todo y nadu But John of the Cross doesn't talk like this. He died praying. Emerson's mind settled into a serene blank.


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